This interesting TedTalk the brings up lots of great questions about modern democracy. I have long thought that small is better. Small units of government – decision-making and action-taking units – can access and leverage local knowledge way better than provincial, state or country wide systems. Provided of course they have a strategy or system…
Author: Jamie
The Moral Equation
I’ve been writing a lot about values and vision lately and that got me thinking about this really cool (to me) equation I learned in while taking the Provincial Instructors Diploma Program (PID) at Vancouver Community College… eons ago. I actually hunted around for quite awhile looking for this equation. I even went so far…
Flipping Neighborhood Design
Cover photo of downtown Chilliwack in 1957. Warren Karlenzig – Collective Intelligence: Cities as Global Sustainability Platform – TEDxMission Recently the city of Chilliwack unveiled a new plan for the downtown. It seems like a great, values and vision based plan to revitalize the downtown core. The idea is to create the conditions that could facilitate development of a Live…
Will the Real Early Adopters Please Stand Up, Please Stand Up, Please Stand Up…
Sorry, heard Eminem a few hours ago and “please stand up” is echoing around my brain… One of my favorite bloggers is Harold Jarche. I’ve been reading his blog for the past year or so and it’s one of the few that I always make the time to read. I initially began to read it…
Learning Environments
This video was shared by Tom Whitford in response to a post by David Culberhouse aka @DCulberhouse. The post asks us to think deeply about how environment impacts learning. As we question whether our instructional methods are fitting to our changing times we also have to determine if our physical environments are conducive to supporting learning in the…
What is Community?
Jesse Lyn Stoner recently posted Does Your Organization ASPIRE. I love her posts for many reasons. She posts about vision, values, attitudes, leadership, team building, culture, purpose, collaboration… all things I think about, read about, study, teach and promote. It’s all great stuff … and it doesn’t always scale to community. It’s Newtonian when we need Quantum….